Here you will find (from time to time) a selection from my collection "antique and classic photographic images" (digital copies of vintage paper photographs).
Please also look into the history-links (archives) here below to see all my previous photo-postings.
(Please don't copy my photos without mentioning the source.)
I own this photograph and was researching it when I found yours. Do you own a copy of this? Does it say Henri Miller on the back? Mine has no writing. I have looked at Henri Miller's photos from his youth but didn't see the resemblance. If you have any more information on this, I'd be very interested. Thanks so much.
I own this photograph and was researching it when I found yours. Do you own a copy of this? Does it say Henri Miller on the back? Mine has no writing. I have looked at Henri Miller's photos from his youth but didn't see the resemblance. If you have any more information on this, I'd be very interested. Thanks so much.