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Saturday, April 04, 2009
Baile dancers in Guisando (Gredos), Spain, ca 1925.
Just two points, as I do know the area very well; this is not flamenco, flamenco isn't part of that zone floklore, and never was. Might be a jota, rondalla, or whatever else. BTW is Gredos, not Grevos, Gredos is the name of the mountain system where the town of Guidando is located.
Just two points, as I do know the area very well; this is not flamenco, flamenco isn't part of that zone floklore, and never was. Might be a jota, rondalla, or whatever else. BTW is Gredos, not Grevos, Gredos is the name of the mountain system where the town of Guidando is located.